How to use a RAT

There are different brands of rapid antigen tests (RATs), so follow the instructions in your kit. Positive or negative, you should report your result online through My Covid Record or by calling the helpline.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Prepare the RAT kit

Get ready by blowing your nose and then washing and drying your hands.

Lay out the contents of your RAT kit — a tube of solution, a stopper, a swab, and the test cassette. Remove the swab (it looks like a long cotton ear bud).

RAT kit

Step 2: Glide swab into nostril

Take the soft end and gently glide swab in 1 nostril, going low and slow, about 2 centimetres deep. Twirl the swab over the surface of the nostril around 5 times. Then repeat in your other nostril, going round again slowly 5 times.

Swab glided into nostril

Step 3: Put swab into solution

Get the tube with solution, open it, keep it upright and make sure not to spill it. Place the soft end of the swab into the solution and swirl about 5 times. You want to make sure that the swab is soaked.

Swab in solution

Step 4: Remove swab from solution

Pinch the swab as you are removing it — squeeze as much liquid out as you can, to keep it in the tube. Place the stopper firmly on the tube.

Swab being removed from solution

Step 5: Shake tube

Give the tube a shake or flick a couple of times so it gets a good mix. Then leave upright for about a minute.

Tube being shaked

Step 6: Put drops on cassette

With the test cassette ready on a flat surface, take your tube (with the solution of your sample), and turn it upside down. Follow the kit instructions as to how many drops are needed for your test. Squeeze the drops through the stopper onto the well.

Drops being placed on cassette

Step 7: Wait 15 minutes

Wait for 15 minutes — set a timer if that helps. Again, check with the kit instructions as the waiting time may differ.

15 minute timer

Step 8: Check results

Check for results.

Invalid result

If there is no line at the C (C for control), or there are 3 lines, then the test did not work properly this time (it is invalid — this sometimes happens). You will need to do another test.

Negative result

If you see a single line at the C, this shows that the test has worked and you are negative for COVID-19.

Positive result

If you see 2 lines (even if it is a faint line at the T) then this shows you have tested positive for COVID-19. You and your household will need to isolate for at least 7 days.

Types of results
Positive test result
Step-by-step instructions
Report your results

Please report your results (positive or negative):

Doing a test and reporting the result in My Covid Record means you can get the help you need as early as possible.

How to report your RAT result

Report your results
Dispose of your test

Once you have finished with your rapid antigen test, you should dispose of it.

Place the test and any other contaminated material, such as swabs, into the plastic bag that comes with the kit.

Seal the bag and place it in your general household rubbish bin. Do not put it in your recycling.

You can recycle the cardboard packaging and instructions.

Dispose of your test
More information

This information is available in a printable poster.

How to use a rapid antigen test (RAT) [PDF, 730 KB]

The Ministry of Health has information on approved RATs and how to use them.

Approved RATs and how to use them |

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Advice for parents and caregivers

There is no age restriction on taking a rapid antigen test. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using them on children.

Advice for blind, vision-impaired, low vision and deafblind people

Rapid antigen tests (RATs) can be carried out under supervision, or you can do it yourself. The result will be visible on the test itself 20 minutes after you complete your test.

All instructions for using RATs, including how to understand the results, are available on the manufacturer’s website.

Supervised testing

If you need support to carry out a test or to understand the results, call Healthline on 0800 358 5453. They can help arrange either a supervised RAT at a community testing centre or participating community pharmacy, or a PCR test.

Assistance at home

If you are self-isolating and need help to understand your RAT result, we recommend you get support from a trusted friend or family member.

Send a photo of your test result to a friend or family member to confirm the result.

Show a friend or family member on a video call or through closed window or door.

If anybody needs to come to your place of self-isolation, make sure all health measures are being followed, including physical distancing and mask wearing.

More information