Returning to normal activities

As you recover from COVID-19, you might find that you get tired easily or become breathless. This is common after being sick.

You should take it easy as you return to your normal activities. Make sure you: 

  • get plenty of sleep
  • eat well
  • rest if you need to
  • pace yourself.

If you have any concerns, you should talk to your doctor or healthcare professional.

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Returning to work

If you still have symptoms after your isolation period has ended, you should continue to stay home and recover. This should be until 24 hours after your symptoms resolve.

Some people may test positive for COVID-19 after they have recovered and no longer have symptoms, but you are unlikely to be infectious beyond 24 hours after your symptoms have ended.

You should talk to your manager or supervisor about when it is appropriate for you to return to work.

If your employer needs proof you needed to isolate

When you are confirmed as having COVID-19 or identified as a Household Contact, the Ministry of Health will send you a text message from the official 2328 or 2648 numbers.

If your employer asks to see proof that you needed to isolate, you can use this text message. You do not need a medical certificate from a doctor.

Returning to school

If you or your child still have symptoms after your isolation period has ended, you should continue to stay home and recover. This should be until 24 hours after symptoms resolve.

This applies to early learning, schools, kura and tertiary education.

You do not need to provide evidence of a negative RAT or PCR to return to school.
If it is over 10 days since the start of COVID-19 symptoms and children are no longer unwell, they are likely not infectious and can return to school.

If a child still feels unwell or their symptoms are worsening after 10 days, they should not return to school. You should talk to your doctor or call Healthline on 0800 358 5453.

Returning to exercise

When you have been sick and not exercising or moving around much, your body will need time to get back to your normal exercise levels.

Your doctor or healthcare professional can provide more advice around how to get back into exercise for your situation. You can find more information on returning to exercise on the Health Navigator website.

Returning to normal activities
Cleaning and disinfecting your home after self-isolating

COVID-19 often spreads through close contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. Although less likely, you can also get infected if you touch a contaminated object or surface, then touch your mouth, nose or eyes.

The virus can survive on surfaces for a limited time. But it has a fragile outer membrane making it easy to kill through effective cleaning and disinfection.

Where there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 indoors within the last 24 hours, the virus is more likely to be found on surfaces. All surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected. 

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How to clean and disinfect your home

You can use regular household cleaning products like detergents or bleach to clean your home. Clean surfaces with detergent first, then use a disinfectant. You can vacuum as usual.

Make sure you:

  • wear gloves when cleaning to protect your hands from chemicals and either wash them or dispose of them when you are finished
  • follow the safety directions on the product label
  • disinfect high touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches and remote controls
  • open windows as much as possible to allow ventilation
  • wash all dishes that you used while isolating — use warm water and detergent or put them in the dishwasher
  • clean cloths and mop heads after you use them
  • dispose of all rubbish including used tissues and masks
  • wash clothing and bedding, do not shake it so as to reduce the possibility of spreading the virus through the air
  • start with higher surfaces and work your way down so that any dust or dirt that falls to the ground is swept up
  • clean surfaces that are less frequently touched first
  • avoid going from a room that is not clean to one that is clean to prevent cross-contamination
  • wash and dry your hands when you are finished cleaning.
What to do with your household waste

You must put contaminated waste items such as tissues or wet wipes into a separate tied or sealed bag. This bag can then go into the general household waste bag or bin.

If you do not have a kerbside service, we recommend still putting all infected waste in a separate tied or sealed bag. That bag can then go into a general household waste bag. Check your local council website for further guidance on disposal options in your area.

Cleaning and disinfecting your home after self-isolating
If you get new COVID-19 symptoms

28 days or fewer since a previous infection

If you get COVID-19 symptoms again and it has been 28 days or fewer since a previous infection (either from when you tested positive or you first had symptoms) and:

you are low risk, you do not need to take another test — stay home and recover, until 24 hours after you no longer have symptoms

you have an underlying health condition or have COVID-19-like symptoms that are getting worse, you should seek advice from a health practitioner or Healthline on 0800 358 5453.

29 days or more since a previous infection

If you have COVID-19 symptoms again and it has been 29 days or more since a previous infection, you should take a RAT. If it is positive, you must self-isolate and follow the same advice as for your first infection. 

If you get new COVID-19 symptoms
If someone you live with gets COVID-19

If you have had COVID-19 within the last 28 days, and someone in your household tests positive, you are not considered to be a Household Contact and you do not need to test.

If it has been 29 days or longer since your COVID-19 infection and someone in your household tests positive, then you should test daily for 5 days.

If someone you live with gets COVID-19

Long COVID describes the symptoms that continue or develop after the initial COVID-19 symptoms. This is usually longer than 12 weeks after a person is first infected.

Most people who get COVID-19 recover from the acute signs and symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks. And they should be back to all activities they were doing before COVID-19 by 12 weeks. However, some people report a range of symptoms beyond the standard time of recovery.

Symptoms of long COVID can persist for weeks or sometimes months. They can include:

  • fatigue
  • breathlessness
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • chest tightness
  • chest pain
  • difficulty concentrating, cognitive impairment or 'brain fog'
  • difficulty sleeping
  • pins and needles
  • dizziness
  • joint pain
  • muscle pain.

For support with the management and treatment of long COVID, seek help from your doctor or healthcare team. COVID-19 healthcare is fully funded for up to 6 weeks from the first day of your symptoms or the day you test positive, whichever is earlier. 

You can find more information about long COVID, including more commonly reported symptoms, on the Ministry of Health website:

Keep up healthy habits

Even if you have had COVID-19 or are vaccinated, you still need to keep up healthy habits. It is possible to get COVID-19 again.

Keep up healthy habits
Stay up to date with your vaccinations

Having COVID-19 does not provide the same level of immunity as getting vaccinated. We also know that your protection from the primary course of the vaccine decreases over time.

To keep your immunity levels high, stay up to date with your vaccinations — including boosters. This will lower your chances of getting very sick from COVID-19 and ending up in hospital.

You should wait 3 months after testing positive before getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

Man holding rugby ball
Stay up to date with your vaccinations